Saturday, July 19, 2008

Should He Stay or Should He Go Now?

Should I stay or
should I go now?
If I go there will be trouble
An’ if I stay it will be double
—The Clash
The McCain staff isn't giving Obama a break. So much for running a "respectful" campaign. The amusing part is the flip-flopping, "try whatever sticks" attacks (usually delivered by a lackey).

First they critized Obama for saying he would bomb in Pakistan. Then later they commented that Obama was wrong to consider terrorist actions a police matter (something he's never actually said) and eschewing military action. Well, what's the problem—not enough force or too little?

Now they're going on about Obama's travel plans. McCain wouldn't shut up about the fact that Obama hasn't been to Iraq in years (since 2006 actually, so say a year and a half). Now that Obama is heading over there, killing their favorite line of attack, they're calling his trip a campaign stunt and saying he should concentrate on issues here at home instead of "campaigning abroad" (their term). Sigh.

Aren't folks getting tired of these tired, it-worked-last-time attacks?

And now some guy in Florida—I think it's Florida but I really don't care enough to check—is putting up 9-11 billboards advertising a song about not voting for a Democrat.

A quote from the CNN story on this dipshit:

"I believe 9/11 could have been prevented if we'd had a Republican president at the time," Meehan said Wednesday on CNN's "American Morning."

Um ... hello? A Republican president at the time, eh? Who was in the White House at the time, Billboard Guy, Al Gore? Of course, perhaps he was playing that favorite of Republican games, blame the current mess on the last president (it's a favorite of theirs every time they screw up the economy yet again), but that too falls factually short since Clinton in 2000 authorized deadly force against a certain 9-11 terrorist mastermind the current Administration stopped mentioning a few years ago...

(Amusingly, another fellow claims the song name was stolen from him, and he's responded by not only insulting the Billboard Guy but also by posting his receipt for a $250 donation to the Obama campaign. Love it.)

I'm getting too old for this. Is it November yet?

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